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Writer's picturelisa.cmwellness

June Blog -Time to Blossom

I am currently in Minnesota visiting with my son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter. Spring on the prairie is in full blossom. Sunshine, bees, birds and blooms are all bursting forth. I’ve been on a blog break but the high spring energy has me feeling motivated to reconnect! 

I spent the winter inward, following a fractured ankle and then dealing with extended family illness and loss. I was unable to do snowshoeing, cross country skiing or even walking outdoors-for fear of slipping on ice! Energy was focused on rehab and care of others. 

So, now spring is awakening some new blossoms  in me as well. I’m  back to yoga, back to being in nature and back to focusing on life. 

We all have our sojourns into darker and more challenging times, knowing renewal will follow as surely as the light follows the night. The rhythms of life all bring  their lessons and gifts. 

But my soul is happy to see the return of my annual wren singing his heart out on the laurel bush beside my screen porch. To see the new growth peeking through the garden soil and to watch the miracle of indoor seeds sprouting into vegetable plants. 

I’m  contemplating  the ways in which I would next like to bloom and sing my next song. What seeds will you be watering and opening up to the sunlight and fresh air this season? What songs do you need to sing next? 

Soon, the summer solstice will come and bring us the longest day of the year. Bask in that light and, as the saying goes, 

“May the long time sun shine upon you

All love surround you

And the pure light within you

Guide you all the way on”

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